Voxel Workflows

These workflows from SureTriggers allow you to connect Voxel to any app in the SureTrigger ecosystem. 

New FluentSupport Ticket Send a Text

Send a text to someone when a new Fluent Support ticket is created.

Email Post Relation Author on New Post

I have a post type FILE and then the built in PROFILE. I have it so the admin creates a new file and uses the post relation field to “assign” it to the user’s account. This workflow will take the account in the post relation being assigned to the FILE post, and emailing the user that there was a new post being added.

Send Reminder Email if User Has Not Submitted Post

My customer had a couple people not submit their profile and we all know once they are off the site, they will forever forget. This workflow will send an email reminder letting them know to submit their profile to the site IF the meta_key is less than 1.


Add New Post Count Meta Key to WordPress Profile

Create Order in Woo When New Voxel Order Placed

This workflow creates a new order inside of Woocommerce anytime a new order is placed in Voxel. Then will send them an email asking them to complete their payment in Woo. Turn off the app events in voxel for orders so it doesn’t send them a confirmation email. This could be a workaround to using another alternative payment method for Voxel.

If you have pro, you can add a filter for orders greater than $0.00 so it isn’t asking them to complete a $0 order.

Email Customer to Leave Review for Order

This workflow will grab the information from the order and prompt them to leave a review with a link to the vendor’s profile. Change the link as needed and if you have PRO, you can even add a time delay to send the email.

Single Click RSVP to Free Event

This has been a major request for sure. This workflow adds a button to your site and when clicked, pulls in the appropriate information (all customizable) and sends an email through the website letting them know they have RSVP’d. Take it a step further by adding each RSVP into a Google Sheet or Ninja Table Row.

NOTE: The clicker of the button MUST BE LOGGED IN. So make the button only visible to logged in users.

Approve Post from Front End

This allows you to approve a post from the front end. To really complete it, make sure you make the visibility for the button to show if the post status is not published and make it available to non subscriber/members.

Manually Promote a Post from the Front End

In SureTriggers, there is the ability to trigger a workflow with a button. This allows me to set a post priority to a custom level for a specific amount of days, hours, years, etc and then bring it back down to default then. This is useful if you want to give people a free promotion. Remember to set the visibility of the ST button to admin only.

Send Free Member DM's to Admin

For those of you trying to get users to use their account, this workflow will take the message being received, check the receiving user’s membership plan, if it is set to free (or whatever you choose) then it will send the DM to an admin account you type an email for. Otherwise, it will send it normally.Additionally you can add an email to the YES condition to send to the receiver email to notify them they received a message.

Text User When They Sign In to WordPress

Recently I logged in to a site and they text me letting me know I logged in, and the date I logged in. Thought it was nice to know when I was logging in to a site for security reasons. This workflow will log when a user logs in to WordPress, grab the current date and time and their phone number from their Voxel profile, then text them using Twilio that they want to log in.

Send Custom Order Confirmation Email to Customer

In Voxel, you can’t pull information about the order from the post into the order confirmation email Very generic for now. So this workflow allows you to pull in information from the post into the confirmation email.

My example is sending a user a Zoom link to those who order a product with the taxonomy “Virtual”.

Send Review to Business Owner No Matter the Author

If you are needing to show businesses that their profile is getting some traction with reviews but they haven’t claimed their listing, this workflow will help. Needs the email field for the business in the post type fields.

Set Priority Level for Post Based on Membership

If you’re needing to add a priority level for posts depending on their membership level, this workflow will do that.

New Membership > Create Collection

This workflow will create a new collection for a user once they activate their membership.

Create Support Ticket from Chat

If you have an admin on the site who will be taking care of all tickets, there is a super easy way to setup so that if someone chats with that admin, it will auto create a ticket for them in FluentSupport (free), then once created, send the user back a chat letting them know you received it and a link to their ticket in the portal. This is pro because it filters out all messages and only creates tickets if the receiving user ID matches the one you enter in.

Post on Facebook When a New Post is Submitted

This workflow will automatically post on a connected Facebook platform (can be changed to other). The process will take the description from the content field, rewrite it a a social media post with enthusiasm. You can change the prompt if needed. Then it will remove all HTML tags and then post to FB. You can also add a delay to it if you want as well as send the status to yourself in an email to make sure it sounds good before it gets posted.

Mark Post as Verified Upon Submission

Seems simple enough but this will mark the post as VERIFIED upon submission. Can be changed to upon approval too very easily.

Activate New Membership with Woo Order

A workaround to getting Woo to work with memberships is to use ST to activate the membership when a new woo order for a specific product AND status is complete.

Add Points to Account for New Orders

Using Gamipress, a free WP plugin for gamification, this workflow allows you to add points to a users account when they place an order on the site.

Add Points to Reviewers Account

Using Gamipress, a free gamification plugin for WP, this automation allows you to add points automatically to an account when they leave a review for another post.

Send Text to Customer When Post is Submitted

This does require SureTriggers Pro UNLESS you are already formatting your phone numbers like +11234567890.


Send Text to Customer with Order Details

Using Twilio, this workflow allows you to send a text message to the customer with their order details. Be sure to turn on phone number collection under your settings in Voxel. Product Types > Settings > Phone Number Collection.

Remind Users About Their Upcoming Subscription Renewal

This workflow reminds users 7 days prior to their membership being renewed.

Add User to List and Send Welcome Email on New Membership

This workflow allows you to send an email to the user welcoming them, and adds them to a specific list in FluentCRM.

Update WP User Data with Voxel Profile Info

If you need to sync the profile data with the wp user data upcon first publishing a profile, this workflow does that.

Set Custom Priority Level for New Posts

In this example, when a user submits a new post, it takes it, set the priority level, then after 30 days, returns it back to default. Essentially giving them a “month free” of promoted ad.

Send Voxel Orders to Google Sheets

Keep track of all your orders in Voxel by sending them to Google Sheets.

Post Submitted > Add FluentCRM Tag

Adds a tag to a contact in FluentCRM if they submit a specified post type.

Send DM to Post Author When Post is Approved

Instead of sending an app event or email, you may need to send a direct message to the post author to keep it all in the same ecosystem in Voxel.

New Voxel Order > Send Twilio Text

Automation to make it so when any order is placed, it sends from your Twilio account to a phone number you provide. This does not send to the customer but rather a static number.