Add this snippet into your child theme’s functions.php file to make this mod work in your Voxel 1.5 dynamic tags. This will remove the content of the url before the last slash.
PHP Code SnippetAfter installing a child theme, navigate to Appearance > Theme Editor > functions.php and paste at the bottom of the input.
Add this to your functions file in child theme.
// STRIP url from all but last slash content add_action('voxel/dynamic-data/modifiers', function( $modifiers ) { class Strip_Before_Last_Slash extends \Voxel\Dynamic_Data\Modifiers\Base_Modifier { public function get_label(): string { return _x('Strip Before Last Slash', 'modifiers', 'voxel-backend'); } public function get_key(): string { return 'strip_before_last_slash'; } public function expects(): array { return [ static::TYPE_STRING ]; } protected function define_args(): void { // No arguments needed for this modifier } public function apply( string $value ) { // Validate that the value is a valid URL if ( filter_var( $value, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) === false ) { return esc_url( $value ); } // Remove query parameters if present $value = strtok( $value, '?' ); // Find the position of the last slash and extract the substring after it $last_slash_pos = strrpos( $value, '/' ); // If no slash is found, return the original value if ( $last_slash_pos === false ) { return esc_url( $value ); } // Extract everything after the last slash $modified_value = substr( $value, $last_slash_pos + 1 ); // Return the modified value with proper URL escaping return esc_url( $modified_value ); } } $modifiers['strip_before_last_slash'] = Strip_Before_Last_Slash::class; return $modifiers; });