Showing Only Current Author's Posts

1. Edit Your Page in Elementor 2. Click the “Search Widget:” field.

3. Type “feed” 4. Drag and Drop in the builder
5. Click here.
6. Click the “Search Widget:” field.
7. Type “search” 8. Drap and Drop into builder
9. Click search form widget.
10. Click “+”
11. Choose your post type.
12. Link the search form and post feed widget
13. Click on your post type filters.
14. Click “Add Item”
15. Click this dropdown and click Author. If you don’t see author, proceed to step 16. Otherwise skip to 17.
16. Step
17. Click here.
18. Click “Enable Voxel tags”
19. Click “User”
20. Click “ID”
21. Click “Save changes”
22. Click “Update”

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