
Second Hand Sports Marketplace

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    {{ currencyFormat( pricing_summary.total_amount ) }}

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Second Hand Sports offers an exciting platform for buying, selling, or trading used sports gear. It’s positioned as a gateway to affordable sporting adventures, with a focus on sustainability, community support, and cost-effectiveness. The website provides a wide selection of gently used sports equipment, from winter sports gear to water sports accessories, allowing users to save money and reduce waste. 

Built with Voxel + Elementor Free, Second Hand Sports provides everything you need to get a marketplace running quickly.

  • Home Page
  • Browse Gear
  • Create Post
  • Pay Per Post – using product additions
  • Membership Page
  • FAQ Page
  • Make an Offer on a Post (Voxel Product + Orders)
  • Base Voxel Features (messaging, stats, user profile, user listings, etc.)

This site is exported via Duplicator. To install the website:

  1. Install WordPress to your website
  2. Locate the following information:
    1. Name of your database
    2. Username for your database
    3. Password for your database user
    4. You will need these for the following steps.
  3. Access your site’s file system
  4. Unzip and extract the file “template.zip”
  5. Upload the following files to your public_html directory (eg. – yourwebsite.com/public_html/)
    1. installer.php
    2. 20240311_stlawrencesports_c0e4587592e10b6f7730_20240311135258_archive.zip
  6. Access the installer file by navigating to yourwebsite.com/installer.php
  7. Follow installer prompts to continue, using the database, username, and password from step 2.

For more information on installation using Duplicator, please see this link.


There are many ways to import and install an existing WordPress installation. If you need any assistance, please feel free to message me.

**Don’t forget to enter your own Google Maps and Stripe API keys in Voxel Settings**


  • Required Plugins
  • Elementor Free
  • Voxel Elements