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Voxel Theme Version: 1.5.4 | Elementor Plugin Version: 3.28.0

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Create post term buttons


Display inline terms as buttons in the create post widget.

Add this css code snippet in Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS, child theme style.css or in an Elementor html widget within create post page.

Be sure that you set the taxonomy to inline mode and use the customcats css class.

Associated Files


Edit the css code as you need.

/* Give some top bottom space */
.customcats {margin:10px 0;}
/* Hide the checkboxes */
.customcats .ts-checkbox-container {display:none !important;}
/* Display terms list inline */ .customcats .ts-term-dropdown-list {display:flex;flex-direction:row;flex-wrap:wrap;}
/* Style single term list element */ .customcats .ts-term-dropdown-list li {flex-wrap:wrap;width:fit-content;justify-content:center;padding:0 10px 0 10px;min-width:fit-content;border:solid 1px #D4D6DD;margin-right:5px;margin-bottom:10px;border-radius:10px;}
/* Style single term list element on hover */
.customcats .ts-term-dropdown-list li:hover {border:solid 1px var(--e-global-color-accent);color:var(--e-global-color-accent);cursor:pointer;}
.customcats .ts-term-dropdown-list li:hover a span {color:var(--e-global-color-accent);}
.customcats .ts-term-dropdown-list li:hover .ts-term-icon svg {fill:var(--e-global-color-accent);}
.customcats .ts-term-dropdown-list li .ts-term-icon {order:-1;display:inline-flex !important /* use display:none to hide the term icon */}
/* Style single term list element selected */
.customcats .ts-term-dropdown-list li.ts-selected {background:#F8F8F8;border:solid 1px var(--e-global-color-accent);color:var(--e-global-color-accent)}
.customcats .ts-term-dropdown-list li.ts-selected a span {color:var(--e-global-color-accent)}
.customcats .ts-term-dropdown-list li.ts-selected .ts-term-icon svg {fill:var(--e-global-color-accent);}

  • CSS
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