The snippet will hide the search button, if nothing is selected in a specific dropdown.
It will use the name of the filter option (visible name, not the slug).
As soon as something is selected, the search button will become active.
JS Code SnippetOn the page you want this to appear, add an HTML widget (FREE) and paste the code in there. Be sure to have < script> before your code and after the code if it isn't already inserted above.
Use in HTML Widget or alternative create a separate.js and .css file.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
var fltrTxt = document.querySelector('.ts-filter-text');
var srchBtn = document.querySelector('.ts-search-btn');
if (fltrTxt && srchBtn) {
var updtBtnState = () => {
var isDsbl = fltrTxt.textContent.trim() === '[Filter Name]';
srchBtn.disabled = isDsbl;
srchBtn.classList.toggle('dsbl', isDsbl);
new MutationObserver(updtBtnState).observe(fltrTxt, { childList: true, subtree: true });