Voxel WordPress LIVE Q/A!! May 11, 2024 - 10pm HKT/10am EDT

Voxel Workflows

These workflows from SureTriggers allow you to connect Voxel to any app in the SureTrigger ecosystem. 

Add Points to Account for New Orders

Using Gamipress, a free WP plugin for gamification, this workflow allows you to add points to a users account when they place an order on the site.

Add Points to Reviewers Account

Using Gamipress, a free gamification plugin for WP, this automation allows you to add points automatically to an account when they leave a review for another post.

Send Text to Customer When Post is Submitted

This does require SureTriggers Pro UNLESS you are already formatting your phone numbers like +11234567890.


Send Text to Customer with Order Details

Using Twilio, this workflow allows you to send a text message to the customer with their order details. Be sure to turn on phone number collection under your settings in Voxel. Product Types > Settings > Phone Number Collection.

Remind Users About Their Upcoming Subscription Renewal

This workflow reminds users 7 days prior to their membership being renewed.

Add User to List and Send Welcome Email on New Membership

This workflow allows you to send an email to the user welcoming them, and adds them to a specific list in FluentCRM.

Update WP User Data with Voxel Profile Info

If you need to sync the profile data with the wp user data upcon first publishing a profile, this workflow does that.

Set Custom Priority Level for New Posts

In this example, when a user submits a new post, it takes it, set the priority level, then after 30 days, returns it back to default. Essentially giving them a “month free” of promoted ad.

Send Voxel Orders to Google Sheets

Keep track of all your orders in Voxel by sending them to Google Sheets.

Post Submitted > Add FluentCRM Tag

Adds a tag to a contact in FluentCRM if they submit a specified post type.

Send DM to Post Author When Post is Approved

Instead of sending an app event or email, you may need to send a direct message to the post author to keep it all in the same ecosystem in Voxel.

New Voxel Order > Send Twilio Text

Automation to make it so when any order is placed, it sends from your Twilio account to a phone number you provide. This does not send to the customer but rather a static number.

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